Thursday, November 1, 2012


Halloween comes down to us from the Pre-Christian Celtic festival of Samhaim, held on  31st October, which is the last autumn night before the cold winter. This night is considered to be the Celtic New Year. The Druids believed that the supernatural world drew closer to the physical world, so human beings were more susceptible to the power and influence of the unseen. Magic spells could be cast more easily, predicting fortunes was more revealing, and dreams held special significance.

Halloween is traditionally the night for fortune telling. A delicious way to do this is with a cake. Make a spice cake and insert specially made silver charms into the batter after pouring it into the pan. When the cake is cut, the charms will reveal the future: there can be a wedding bell. The owners can be blessed with the thimble, you can be granted one wish by a wishbone. the coin willl promise prosperity, the horseshoe gives you good luck and the button ensures you domestic bliss. Remember how many charms you insert in your batter and count them afterwards. 

I think Halloween is the perfect reminder that magic flows through, mystery infuses every encounter of every day. We conjure up the keys that cannot be found anywhere in the house, transform leftovers into a feast, banish fear, heal hurts, make money stretch till the end of the month. life. We all do this much more but most women are not aware of their power for good. We have not consciously awakened to the realization that we are descendants of an ancient , sacred lineage: the SHE.

Dress up for Halloween  with a wonderful to wear when opening the door.

Mull cider or wine on the weekend for an autumn cup of cheer. The best mulling spices I have ever found are the Williams-Sonoma brand which you can order from their shops/online website.

Don't you think it is a magic you are performing when you are creating an authentic lifestyle. Tonight by candle light of the full moon. Try to use your power wisely for good of all. You have no idea of the innumerable lives you touch in the course of your lifetime. " I am sure there is Magic in everywhere - only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us".

When we were young we used to make attractive natural vases for autumn bouquets from Pumpkin. Scoop out the center and fill with a damp oasis cut to size. Arrange jewel-tone flowers, preserved leaves and vines in the oasis for a long lasting arrangement, occasionally test the oasis to see if you need more water.  

Smell of PUMPKIN and GREEN APPLE activate your B.M.I. and they have a slimming effect on your body.