Thursday, March 29, 2007

Power of Element - Earth/Water/Fire/ Air & Metal

The power of elements are dynamic. It is important to be aware of the effect an element has on you.
To experience the element 'Earth' - I get out doors into a park and am aware of the solid feeling under my feet while walk or lie down on the grass. Earth energy gives one the feeling of Stability, Reliability and Confidence.
To carry this solid grounding energy with me all the time - I take a miff of Cedarwood.
To experience element 'Water' - I dangle my feet in a swimming pool or listen to the bubbling sound of a fountain in my Living Room. If you live near the sea watch the movement of an ocean, or a stream.
This arouses the emotions and the ability to go with the flow of life. The essential oil that helps one go with the flow is Palma Rosa.
To learn the power of 'Fire' - I gaze at a fire or a candle flame, or feel the warmth of the 'Sun' on my body. Fire is associated with transformation, action, momentum and the intellect.
Kindle this element within me I use a few drops of Rosemary.
To appreciate the element 'Air' - I watch the smoke of Incense rise (light an incense of my choice). I am attentive to my breath. This element gives me the feeling of growth and creativity.
This element gives me the feeling of growth and creativity.

Experience 'Metal' - by handling a fine Gold or Silver chain. It is associated with abundance, wealth and success.

The oil associated with abundance and wealth is Patchouli

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